Terra Aegrus II: Rise of the Lich King
Terra Aegurs II, Rise of the Lich King is currently being tested. I suspect it will done around mid 2013. The following is a game play video.
You can download the demo here:
Download Terra Aegrus II Demo
Screenshots of Terra Aegrus, Rise of the Lich King
Terra Aegrus I
Terra Aegrus has been completed and ready for download! Completion date: January 10, 2006
Terra Aegrus is a tile based 2D RPG. You guide your party of four characters through an enormous world map, fighting monsters like trolls, orcs, thieves, and undead. You interact with NPCs in the eight towns and castles that are scattered throughout the land to accomplish quests and gain information on why the world is slowly dying. Combat is turn-based and mostly accomplished with hand to hand combat, but ranged weapons are available. 25 magic spells are also available, along with magical items.
When you download the game, you get the full game, but you can only play approximately 20% of the game. You can then purchase a license for 9.99 to unlock the rest of the game. Click on the Buy tab at the top of the page or click here to take you there immediately. The game is now free! Simply send an email to Zander@GrayCoreSoftware.com with the following text in the subject line: "TerraAegrus_License_Code_Request"
Download Terra Aegrus
Read the Bug Fixes for the latest release here.
System Requirements
- Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP.
- .NET Framework. This is a free download from Microsoft.
- Direct X 9.0c This is a free download from Microsoft. Or, you can download it from my website here.
Space Invaders Proof of Concept
Over a weekend, my friend, Justin Mobijohn , and I made a game loop written in Java. I am providing the source code for it, in case you're a curious Java game developer, but the game does work. I provided a HowToCompile.txt that explains how to compile it as an executable jar or as a simple .class file.
If you just want to browse the source code, go the developer's section