Artwork and Media
Welcome to the Artwork and Media section! Here you will find links to the media that was produced by our artists. The media includes sound effects (a bunch were home-made sound effects... lots of fun... ), music, images, and anything else that the artists want to show, some of which is not related to our games at all. Feel free to contact them if you are interested in their abilities.
If you're looking for screenshots or videos of game play, click on the Games tab, or simply click here.
Antifarea: He created all the animations for the main party in Terra Aegrus 2. Check out his other animations on his website by clicking here: Here is a sample of his artwork:

Zhebb:: He did the animation for Terra Aegrus 1 and 2, along with the images for the weapons, armor, and tiles for the world map. He also did all the portraits for all the characters that you interact with in the game. He did pretty much all the pixel artwork for these games.
VicMor:: He did the images for all the "chapter windows" in Terra Aegrus. He also drew the healer in all the towns, and various images that pop up randomly through out the game.
Milan Cizek: He did all the music for Terra Aegrus 2. Click on his name to get a preview of the music that is going into Terra Aegrus 2. And note that he's always looking for new and challenging projects, so feel free to contact him: Milan on
Melissa: She composed the music soundtrack to Terra Aegrus. She also did the sound effects for some of the characters. She has a webpage where she shows off all her music (Click on the image to take you to her website):