import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Rectangle;
import java.util.Random;
* @author Justin Mobijohn and Zander
public class Enemy extends GameObject {
private static Random RANDOM_GENERATOR = new Random();
private float m_NextTimeToFire;
private float m_ElapsedTimeSinceLastFire;
private boolean m_HasReachedBottom;
* Default constructor for an Enemy
public Enemy() {
this.m_Image = GameObject.m_ImageManager.LoadImageFromDisk("GameImages/Enemy.jpg");
this.m_Currentposition = new Rectangle(Enemy.RANDOM_GENERATOR.nextInt(800) - 64, Enemy.RANDOM_GENERATOR.nextInt(300), 64, 64);
this.m_MovementVector = new Point(Enemy.RANDOM_GENERATOR.nextInt(4) + 1, 0);
this.m_Life = 10;
// Every time an enemy fires, it randomly chooses when to fire next:
this.m_NextTimeToFire = Enemy.RANDOM_GENERATOR.nextFloat() * 2;
this.m_ElapsedTimeSinceLastFire = 0;
this.m_HasReachedBottom = false;
* Returns whether or not it has hit the bottom.
* @return true If the monster has reached the bottom.
public boolean GetHasReachedBottom() {
return this.m_HasReachedBottom;
* Updates its position and if a certain amount of time has gone by,
* fire a missile.
* @param elapsedTime The amount of time that has gone by since
* last screen refresh.
public void Update(float elapsedTime) {
if (this.m_ElapsedTimeSinceLastFire > this.m_NextTimeToFire) {
// Time to fire a missile!
Missile m = new Missile(new Point(this.m_Currentposition.x + this.m_Currentposition.width / 2, this.m_Currentposition.y), 2, true);
this.m_NextTimeToFire = Enemy.RANDOM_GENERATOR.nextFloat() * 2;
this.m_ElapsedTimeSinceLastFire = 0;
} else {
this.m_ElapsedTimeSinceLastFire += elapsedTime;
if (this.m_Currentposition.y + 64 >= 600 - 64) {
// Monster has reached the bottom of the screen, so kill the spaceship:
this.m_HasReachedBottom = true;